Saturday, March 20, 2010

Why Get a Legal Separation?

Why People Seek Legal Separation attorney staten island
The reasons people ask about separation as opposed to divorce include:

•Religious Concerns - they may have a religious objection to divorce;

•Insurance Concerns - they may wish to ensure that one of the spouses has continued coverage through the other spouse's insurance provider;

•Trial Separation - they may hope that the marriage can be reconciled, but recognize a need to spend some time apart, and desire a formal arrangement to address such issues as child support and custody, spousal support (alimony) and property in the interim;

•Divorce Waiting Periods - they may wish to separate during the period of time their state requires them to wait, prior to the entry of a judgment of divorce attorney staten island;

•Tax Purposes - Sometimes, in a complicated divorce, a wealthy spouse may wish to formalize the spousal support (alimony) at an early stage through a separation agreement, in order to take the associated tax deduction;

•Social Security and Pension Benefits - Sometimes spouses will wish to delay formal divorce attorney staten island until they have been married long enough to quality for certain Social Security or pension benefits. For example, if your interest in certain Social Security or military pension benefits vests after ten years, it is not ordinarily fiscally prudent to divorce from a nine year marriage before you qualify for those vested benefits

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