Saturday, June 5, 2010

Having Unclear Objective with Your Divorce Lawyer

The overall cost of your divorce can be impacted by several behaviors you may be able to control. When a marriage dissolves there are several important topics that need to be addressed and sorted out such as child custody and visitation, division of property, and support. Recognizing the following 4 behaviors and how to manage them ahead of time may be able to help your divorce lawyer properly gather the information he/she needs to put your case together and can reduce your divorce costs at the same time.

Having unclear objectives
One of the biggest mistakes you can make at the outset of your divorce is to not know what it is you hope to accomplish. Before you begin filing or responding to divorce motions, you would be wise to discuss your goals, objectives, and what results you can likely expect with your Staten Island divorce lawyer. Having such a discussion with your divorce lawyer can help reduce the chances of unnecessary litigation, help you understand what you can likely expect through your divorce, and what the costs may likely be.

Family law attorney, is located on Staten Island, New York, and represents men and women with divorce, child support and family law throughout the New York City area, including Staten Island, Annadale, Arden Heights, Bay Terrace, Dongan Hills, Eltingville, Emerson Hill, Fort Wadsworth, Graniteville, Grant City, Grasmere, Great Kills, Greenridge, Grymes Hill, Heartland Village, Huguenot, Lighthouse Hill, Midland Beach, New Dorp, New Springville, Oakwood, Old Town NY, Pleasant Plains, Prince's Bay, Randall Manor, Richmond Valley Richmondtown, Rosebank, Rossville, Shore Acres, Silver Lake, South Beach, St. George, Tottenville Beach, Ward Hill, Westerleigh, Willowbrook, Woodrow, other areas of Staten Island, New York City, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Bronx, Long Island, Suffolk County, Nassau County, Westchester County, and Rockland County.

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