Monday, November 22, 2010

When to Contact an Elder Law Attorney

It's happening all around the country as families prepare to relax and have fun over the summer months, the time for an elder law attorney.

Because of time and distance, changes in older loved ones become more noticeable. Uncle Bob seems a little slower to respond to our questions and it takes him longer to move from room to room or up the stairs. Mom's house, which she took pride in keeping spotless, isn't as clean as it used to be, newspapers are piling up everywhere, and the yard is looking shaggy. Then there's Aunt Katie whose kids have noticed that she doesn't pay the bills on time or pays them more than once and she's donating to charities that she has no idea what they do. The mail has become a daily event for her since Uncle Steve died.

The summer also may be a time when families face the difficult decisions about finding care for their older relative. Here are some of the changes that may indicate your loved one needs an elder law attorney.

Weight loss

Bad personal hygiene or significant negative changes in personal hygiene

Unusually loud or quiet, paranoid, agitated behavior

Unusually cluttered, dirty or messy home

Local friends and relatives are expressing concerns about changed behavior

Self-imposed isolation, stops attending activities

Signs of forgetfulness such as unopened mail, piling newspapers, not filling prescriptions, or missed appointments

Signs of poorly managed finances, such as not paying bills, losing money, paying bills twice or more, or hiding money

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